Mourning the passing of "Phra Ratchaprichayanamuni"

Pay your respects and condolences "Phra Phra Prachayanamuni" has passed away. Revealing the history of the Rompho Sangha. Abbot of Amnat Charoen Province

On June 26, 2014, at Wat Bo Chaneng, Nong Kaeo Subdistrict, Hua Taphan District, Amnat Charoen Province, Lieutenant Colonel Adisak Noisuwan, Governor of Amnat Charoen Province, presided over the royal ceremony of offering holy water to bathe the body of Phra Ratchaprichayanamuni (Lom Mahawiriyo P.D.7), former provincial abbot of Wat Bo Chaneng. แทงบอลยูโร

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